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Script Summit Seminars

All seminars are FREE to Script Summit Official Selections and Finalists as well as AOF Megafest and Partner Festival Badge Holders! Make sure to register at the Brenden Theatre in the Palms Hotel/Casino and pick up your creator badge at the festival! If you do not have a creator badge then tickets for the seminars can be purchased from the AoF Megafest here. Don't just stop with Script Summit, there are over 20 fantastic seminars at the AoF MEGAfest all available to you! View their incredible seminars such as the Life - Panel here!
Seats are limited so arrive at least 15 minutes early for any Seminar you wish to attend. Last year we packed the room beyond capacity!

Tuesday - July 30th, 2019

What Comes Next with Geoffrey D. Calhoun 

11:00 am

You’ve written your screenplay but now what? Who do I send it to? How do I make sure it’s ready for the market? Geoffrey D. Calhoun (Heroes From Heaven/S.O.S./Lily) Founder of will take you through the next steps for your screenplay. Geoffrey will discuss rewriting, networking, querying, how to write a proper synopsis and treatment, finding representation, branding and much more. Geoffrey will also answer questions during an open Q & A about his new book, The Guide for Every Screenwriter.


Tuesday - July 30th, 2019

Logline Lab with

Kevin Hanna


Bring your best or worst loglines with you! In this interactive seminar Kevin Hanna (Public Access) Script Consultant from will break down what makes a logline soar or crash and burn. He will go over the proper way to build an exciting and efficient logline which will hook a reader and have them wanting more.

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Tuesday - July 30th, 2019

Scene Mastery: Skills to Elevate Every Scene with JoAnn Hess

11:45 am

Every scene in a film must be kept tight and captivating.
Scene Mastery identifies methods which can be incorporated into every scene to elevate and engage the audience. In this seminar, JoAnn (Devil's Dandruff/Fakers/Star Quest) will discuss each technique that can be incorporated to achieve this effect and show how they’ve been implemented, through film, into the most amazing scenes in cinema. Through these skills, you will understand how to master scene writing and elevate your scripts.

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Wednesday July 31st, 2019

Bandersnatch & Beyond: How to Write for Interactive Games with

Ryan LaPlante


Ryan LaPlante, Head Writer for the interactive game studio at Tap by Wattpad, will break down the strengths and pitfalls of writing “choose your own adventure” style narratives for mobile games. As writer of The Royal Deception, Daughter of the Night, and Tidying up with Marie Kondo, Ryan will walk you through the development of interactive games and what he teaches his staff writers to focus on during the process.

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Tuesday - July 30th, 2019

Pitch Like a Pro with Ann Kimbrough


Everyone pitches in Hollywood, from screenwriters, directors, to producers. It’s a needed skill which is difficult to perfect and hardly practiced. Take a step toward mastering your pitching techniques with a hands-on experience that is part classroom and part practical application, with Ann Kimbrough, a screenwriter and producing partner at Media Distribution Partners. Ann is an expert at pitching and she can't wait to share her techniques with you. 

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Wednesday July 31st, 2019

Scene Table Reads Kevin Hanna & Ryan LaPlante


Script Summit has handpicked scenes from Officially Selected scripts to be read by professional actors! The expert screenwriters from Ryan LaPlante (Holy Hell) & Kevin Hanna (Public Access) will break down these scenes and reveal the secrets of what makes them work or fall flat. Learn creative solutions and insight on how to develop a character and “punch up” dialogue to make it more dynamic by Ryan & Kevin’s proven methods.

All Seminars are located at the

3111 S. Valley View Blvd E-127
Las Vegas Nevada 89102
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